ZeroGPT AI Detector is a trusted and advanced tool for detecting AI-generated content, including ChatGPT, GPT4, and Gemini. It provides a reliable and accurate way to identify AI-written text, ensuring originality and authenticity.
Enjoy top-notch features, including Plagiarism Checker, Paraphraser, Summarizer, Grammar checker, Translator, and Writing Assistant.
Our advanced model is trained on all languages to provide highly accurate results.
Automatically generated PDF reports for every detection, used as proof of AI-Free plagiarism.
Support all languages with the highest accuracy rate of detection.
Upload multiple files at once, and they will get checked automatically in the dashboard.
Upload your text or file to detect AI-generated content.
Our AI detection model includes several components that analyze text to determine its origin and if it was written by AI.
Unlock growth potential with our API, available for the AI Detector, Plagiarism Checker, Paraphraser, Summarizer, Grammar and Spell Checker, Chatbot & Translator.
Our team has developed a user-friendly API for organizations. Get API access and integrate ZeroGPT into your organization or website on a large scale.
ZeroGPT is now available on WhatsApp and Telegram. Chat with ZeroGPT and access all features inside WhatsApp and Telegram.
Explore more tools to enhance your writing skills, including grammar and spelling checkers, plagiarism detectors, and citation generators.
ZeroGPT uses DeepAnalyse™ Technology to detect AI-generated content.
ZeroGPT has a high accuracy rate, ensuring reliable results.
Anyone who needs to detect AI-generated content, including students, teachers, writers, and businesses.
No, your text will not be plagiarized or made available online. We highly value user privacy.
Create the most realistic speech with our AI audio tools in 1000s of voices and 32 languages. Easy to use API's and SDK's. Scalable, secure, and customizable voice solutions tailored for enterprise needs. Pioneering research in Text to Speech and AI Voice Generation.
Bypass AI detection effortlessly with our AI humanizer. We help you humanize AI text in one click and seamlessly bypass AI detectors with 100% human score content.
X-Design offers cutting-edge AI solutions tailored for marketing. Our innovative tools include advanced features such as e-commerce solutions, image editing, background removal, AI eraser, AI fashion model, poster templates, background replacement, and more, empowering online retailers to create stunning visuals and streamline their e-commerce operations.