GPTZero is an AI detector that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including detecting AI-generated text and hallucinations.
GPTZero incorporates the latest research in detecting AI text and hallucinations, specializing in detecting content from ChatGPT, GPT4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and new AI models, and investigating their sources.
GPTZero offers a free plan with basic AI detection, as well as premium features such as advanced scan, AI vocabulary check, plagiarism checker, and writing feedback, with pricing starting at $8.33/month.
Educators can use GPTZero to detect AI-generated text in student assignments, and to promote academic integrity in the classroom.
Writers can use GPTZero to ensure the authenticity of their writing and to improve their writing skills.
Students can use GPTZero to avoid false accusations of plagiarism and to improve their writing skills.
GPTZero is an AI detector that detects AI-generated text and hallucinations.
Simply paste in the text you want to check, or upload your file, and GPTZero will return an overall detection for your document, as well as sentence-by-sentence highlighting of sentences where we've detected AI.
GPTZero is the most accurate AI detector across use-cases, verified by multiple independent sources, and is finetuned for student writing and academic prose.
Create the most realistic speech with our AI audio tools in 1000s of voices and 32 languages. Easy to use API's and SDK's. Scalable, secure, and customizable voice solutions tailored for enterprise needs. Pioneering research in Text to Speech and AI Voice Generation.
Bypass AI detection effortlessly with our AI humanizer. We help you humanize AI text in one click and seamlessly bypass AI detectors with 100% human score content.
X-Design offers cutting-edge AI solutions tailored for marketing. Our innovative tools include advanced features such as e-commerce solutions, image editing, background removal, AI eraser, AI fashion model, poster templates, background replacement, and more, empowering online retailers to create stunning visuals and streamline their e-commerce operations.